Helfstyn Castle

Category: Castle

helfstyn - hrad 500x247

Helfstyn Castle – extensive ruins of what was once the largest castle in Moravia. The castle was probably established at the end of the 13th century by the marauding knight Fridus (or Helfrid) of Linava who used the castle as a base for robbing merchants during the unsettled times that followed the murder of Wenceslas III, the last Premyslide, in 1306. Helfstyn has five gates and four courtyards. Next to the entrance is a recently added restaurant. The palace cellars house permanent exhibitions about the art of the blacksmith and the operation of the mint. The former ramparts now serve as viewing terraces. A big stone marks the entrance to a well, supposedly used by a devil to escort Fridus straight to hell.

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