District Museum in Louny

Category: Museum

The District Museum in Louny

The District Museum in Louny is located in town Louny in the Usti Region.

The town museum was originally founded in 1889. The Museum Association in Louny quickly acquired valuable items from the donations of local citizens, as well as purposefully expanding its collections. During the occupation, the museum’s collections entered the synagogue, and it was not until the 1950s that the museum acquired its own building – the house of the Falcons of the Plague, with a late Gothic bay window and a vaulted Gothic hall. At that time, the archive was separated from the museum, and the town museum, which from the beginning concentrated on the entire Louny region, became a district institution.

In 1966, another department of the museum became independent and the Benedikt Rejt Gallery was established. After extensive reconstruction of the museum buildings, a historical exhibition found a place in the house of the Falcons of the Plague and a natural science one in the neighboring house across the alley. In 1994, the museum expanded significantly with the takeover of the Archaeological Open-Air Museum Brezno near Louny. From 2002 to 2012, the then renovated Novy Hrad u Jimlina also belonged to the museum.


The District Museum in Louny collects objects that are primarily related to their region. Important collections are, for example, collections of historical photography or numismatics. The library also includes the Augustinian monastery library in Dolni Rocov, which contains a number of old prints.

The museum prepares 10 to 12 exhibitions every year, and also offers a historical exhibition focused on the Hussite period in the Usti Region. The science exhibition is located in the neighboring building. The museum regularly hosts Advent markets, museum nights, and many other events. The popularization of scientific knowledge is ensured by a series of monthly lectures.

Fossilized fish, herbariums, or entomological collections stand out from interesting scientific subjects. The archeological collection with many prehistoric vessels or pewter treasure from Risut is of high quality. Among the interesting museum exhibits are a set of various guild things or gingerbread forms. Newer additions include part of the estate of the Czech historian and diplomat Vlastimil Kybal. In the lapidary of the Church of Saint Peter in Louny, which is occasionally open, those who are interested can see, for example, stone elements from the demolished city gates.

As mentioned, the Archaeological Open-Air Museum Brezno near Louny is also managed by the District Museum in Louny. It is a unique and significant monument on a national scale. During the season, you can see an illustration of original crafts, technologies, fighting, hunting, and equipment as part of the Archaeological Open-Air Museum. With the help of replicas of the original tools, you have the opportunity to try out a number of ancient skills such as agriculture, textile production, leather processing, production of daily necessities, firefighting, or construction.

For more information about the Usti Region, from which this museum comes, click here and here.