Steknik Chateau

Written by Karolina Tauskova

Category: Castle

Steknik Chateau

Steknik Chateau


Steknik chateau is situated in Usti region near the old royal town Zatec. This region is famous for growing hops and the Steknik Chateau is in the middle of hop fields. In the place where this chateau stays was in 16th century only fortress which belonged to family Kaplirove of Sulevice.

Kaplirove had the Steknik fortress to the beginning of The Thirty Years’ War, then was the fortress confiscated because of religion. In 1681 rich burgher from Zatec Jan Jiri Kulhanek bought the fortress. Instead of the fortress he built the Steknik Chateau in Baroque style. In second half of 18th century his grandson Jan Frantisek z Klaudesteina arranged the Chateau to Rococo style. On walls were created frescoes and illusory paintings. Author of paintings in chapel was Ignac Raab.

In the same time were improved also garden and fence wall and entry road by statues. Jan Frantisek built up Italian gardens for his future wife courtness Marie Francisca z Hohenembs. The garden was created by country adjustment of south hillside under the Chateau. Basis of this Italian garden is central axis which is formed by main road to the centre of garden. Whole garden is stabilized by huge staircases. Main function of this garden was enlargement of living area. So the main reason of this building-up was having a resting and beautiful place.

There was also recontruction of lordship courtyard and extension of lordly granary. Then unique landscape composition in Baroque style called “Gesamtkunstwerk” was created. Jan Frantisek got count’s title for his house and in 1775 he got married to countess Marie Francesca of Hohenembs. In 1796 he sold the Steknik Chateau to knight Antonin Josef Korba of Weidenheim. His family had kept the Chateau to 1892. After that House of Hennet inherited the Chateau. In 1907 Judr. Leopold of Hennet sold the object to firm Hielle a Dittrich in Prague. New owner was Fridrich Gimbel. After him Swiss consul Gérold Déteindre inherited the Steknik Chateau as the latest private owner. His descendants owned the object to December 1949.

Then manor (with the Chateau) was bought by Czechoslovak government. Estates were devided and the Steknik Chateau was used by Vyzkumny Ustav Chmelarsky in Zatec. Later National Gallery in Prague exposed depository of paintings here. Since 1997 is the Steknik Chateau property of Narodni Pamatkovy Ustav.

For more information about the Usti region, from which this chateau comes, click here and here. 

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