We have been watching Czech-American TV for many years. We all look forward to the weekly broadcasts, and have come to use the various resources available at Czech-American TV. One of my favorite is the cooking section, there I’ve found so many recipes my mother and grandmother made so long ago, now I can prepare some of these tasty meals for my family and relatives that I remembered as a child. We have also been doing some educational research on our family tree as to our ancestors and where they came from, the genealogical section has been most helpful. As well as the traditions section where we have been able to learn so much of our Czech heritage. Many times when I’m working in the kitchen preparing meals or just baking some kolache I turn to the audio section and listen to classical Czech music. These are just a few of the various sections available for me to learn and enjoy the wonderful things of our Czech traditions and heritage. I’m planning to spend sometime in the lessons section learning a bit more of the Czech language. I want to thank you and all the people at Czech-American TV for providing a most enjoyable, informative and educational site. Also I’d like you to know that I have recommended Czech-American TV to my relatives and friends who are Czech.
Sincerely yours,
Lindsay M.
Longview – Texas
Myself and my family have been watching Czech-American TV for many years. I am a proud native Czech, and CATV USA is an invaluable resource to introduce and maintain knowledge of Czech heritage and traditions for my children and many friends, including my local Mississippi International Ladies group and many others. I use many resources from the CATVUSA.com website on a regular basis, mainly language courses, recipes and genealogy tools. For Czech Americans this is a truly wholesome resource and quality connection with Czech cultural heritage, traditions and architecture. CATV is very important to continuing Czech traditions for Americans with Czech roots.
Alena B.
Pearl – Mississippi
Dear Czech-American TV,
I would like to applaud you for your continuous dedication to promoting Czech culture and language. I am an elderly woman, but thanks to my nephew setting up your program on my computer, I can watch your wonderful programs whenever I want! I greatly appreciate your commitment to making sure that Americans come to know these important Czech traditions, and that they have the chance to learn the language of Karel Hynek Macha. I am sure that for many people who have the opportunity to see the places featured on your broadcasts, many want to travel to the Czech lands to see them in person! Please be assured that I will continue to look forward to your programming for many years to come. Thank you for everything you do.
Krystyna K.
Des Plaines, Illinois
This is a note to express our support for Czech-American TV’s efforts at promoting Czech culture in the United States. We have family from Bohemia who immigrated to the U.S. more than 1@ years ago. We have letters and some personal artifacts from members of older generations, but we have lost many of their traditions. I use recipes that my grandmother used, but until I saw pictures on the Czech-American TV website, I did not know that her cookies originated in Bohemia. And I have some doilies from that same grandmother, but I was not previously aware of Czech lacemaking techniques, which are shown on the CATV website. The website’s language lessons also make it possible to learn how to pronounce some of the names on the family letters in our possession or on gravesites in St. Adalbert and other Chicagoarea cemeteries. So, we would like to thank you for allthat you do.
Marilyn S.
Cary, Illinois
Dear Czech-American TV, ahoj!
It is blessing that we have your network publicly promoting the value of Czech heritage! Thanks to the resources which you offer on your website and the broadcasts you share weekly, viewers can gain a strong understanding and appreciation for the cultural, natural, and built heritage of the Czech Republic. Speaking for myself, I have learned a good number of traditions through Czech-American TV. Thanks to the Czech language lessons, my ability to understand and speak this melodic tongue has greatly improved! I believe it will greatly help during my future visits to the Czech Republic which I last visited prior to the pandemic in October 2019. Given these strong endorsements of significant community economic, social, and cultural benefits, it is my hope that others will support the Czech-American TV with the full vigor and support that they should. It is important for people to recognize that heritage preservation is an integral contributor to our economic, social and cultural well-being, and not merely a “nice to have” societal embellishment. In the face of globalization, Czech-Americans as well as friend and supporters need to meet the challenges of the future. Recognizing, promoting, and preserving Czech heritage to mitigate cultural assimilation and loss in the US.
Kindest Regards,
Daniel P.
Chicago, Illinois
The Czech-American TV offers so much to the people living in The USA who have Bohemian, Moravia-Silesian Roots. All of us can learn the original Christmas, Easter, May First, Hody and, other traditions of our ancestors. Knowing these we can still do them today. I am a member of these Czech-American organizations, WFLA, CSA, Cedar Rapids Sokol, Katolic Delnik now FCSLA, Federation of Czech Groups, National Czech and Slovak Museum and Library C R lowa, Czech Heritage Society, former Financial Secretary of the Czech National Cemetery Cedar Rapids, lowa also on the Board of the Cedar Rapids Czech School. lt is important that we can see and then use these traditions like Svaty Mikulas day to teach our children so that they will carry on with these traditions. I use these different traditions in my own home and family. Other traditions are learned in baking and cooking typical local as well as national dishes or treats that made by the offspring of their ancestors’ We are able to learn as we see our heritage unfolding in front of our eyes on the Czech-American TV website projects and video programs about Czech traditions, Czech Language Lessons and, the educational programs about our Czech, Moravian-Silesian Heritage giving us the foresight and tenacity of our ancestors as well as the people living in the Czech Republic today. All are able to see and enjoy the cultural remnants that have been preserves, restored and are in museums or on display in galleries. Some are in restored villages where people can see what village life was like. Many persons in the USA cannot travel to the Czech Republic and see the places of their “roots” family homes but they can view them via the Czech-American TV USA broadcasts even getting the feeling of what and where it was like at the times of their forefathers living in these places’. Another important part of the weekly broadcasts is the short but very useful Czech Language lesson where we are able to learn new words. We see the words, the correct spelling, and the proper pronunciation which one must learn, I have found this very useful because, I try building my Czech Vocabulary every week. I feel so good when I can speak to someone in Czech and they understand me. I am currently here in the Czech Republic teaching English in schools, firms, and private lesson.
John A. K.