Written by Vojtech Krempl
The University of West Bohemia (UWB), Pilsen, Czech Republic, founded in 1991, has nine faculties with more than 60 departments and two institutes of higher education.
11 000 UWB students can choose from a wide range of Bachelor, Master and PhD study programmes taught in Czech and English language. UWB focuses on research at three Research Centres and one European
Centre of Excellence and has a significant position in the field of higher education among the universities in the Czech Republic and within the European space.
Over the period of its existence, UWB has won a reputation as a renowned centre of higher education learning and research activities.
UWB graduates can find career opportunities at all levels of management of private companies and state institutions, namely in the following sectors: production, commerce, non-profit organizations and infrastructure, research institutions, design and construction companies, in public administration and institutions of regional administration, in services and consultancy, and in educational and cultural institutions.
The University of West Bohemia warmly welcomes all incoming students and staff as well as international guests. For more information click here.