Ploskovice Chateau

Written by Jana Kuzelkova

Category: Castle

Ploskovice chateauPloskovice Chateau is located in the district of Litomerice in Usti Region. The Chateau was built as the summer residence of Grand Duchess Anna Marie Frantiska Toskanska in the first quarter of the 18th century. In the second half of the 19th century the chateau became a private residence of Habsburg Emperor Ferdinand I, who was last crowned Czech king (as Ferdinand V). On this occasion the Chateau was increased by one floor and completely renovated.


In 1436 Emperor Sigismund stopped Ploskovice Chateau to the former Hussite governor Jakoubek from the Village of Vresovice. Jakoubek in 1440 passed Ploskovice Chateau to Rydker of Poand and to his sons Jan and Ales in exchange for an important one. In 1533 the chateau passed the deed to Vaclav Trcek from Vitenc. The Johannites held Ploskovice Chateau until the year 1545, when they sold it to four sons of Vaclav Trcek. These sons sold it in 1566 to Oldrich Dubansky from the Village of Dubany. After his death his wife, Anna Kostomlatska from the Village of Vresovice took over the manor. The last holder fromi this line was Jan Habart from the Village of Vresovice.

Another owner of Ploskovice Chateau was Count Jindrich Slik, president of the War Court Council and Imperial Secret Council, who sided with Wallenstein´s opponents andsignificantly contributed to his downfall in February 1634.

At the end of the 15th century Adam from Village of Drahonice settled here. In 1496 there was a revolt on the estate. In 1508 Adam bequeathed the stopped Ploskovice farm to Zdenek Lev from the town of Rozmital.

Duke Julius Jindrich appointed Mates Rosslaw as a hetman of Ploskovice. In 1673 he had a land register made for the Ploskovice estate, in which we have preserved a brief description of the already then Baroque chateau. After the death of Julius Jindrich in 1665 joined his son Julius Frantisek, who stayedprimarily in the town of Zakupy. He died in 1689 and the extensive property was inherited by his two daughters.

During the Napoleonic Wars, Bavaria gained sovereignty thanks to the skillful policy of the Peace of Wroclaw in 1805 and its ruler gained a royal title. Grand Duke Ferdinand was replaced by the g In 1878, after the death of Ferdinand I, his nephew, Emperor Franz Joseph I, took over Ploskovice Chateau as a personal property.

In 1919 a Czech school was established in the eastern pavilion, because a strong Czech minority remained in the Ploskovice region. In 1945 Ploskovice returned to state property. In 1952 state monument care authorities took over the Chateau with the garden and the park in their administration and gradually modifications began to the entire complex, which culminated in the early 1960s, when the property was made available to the public.

For more information about Usti Region, from which this chateau comes, click here and here.

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