Breznice Chateau

Written by Jan Brychta

Category: Castle

Breznice Chateau

Breznice is a chateau located in a town of the same name in the Central Bohemia region of the Czech Republic. The chateau itself is administered by the state. It is open during the summer months as well as the later part of spring and a small part of autumn. It is a large oval building with a courtyard overlooking the river which flows through the city. There is also a large park next to the chateau which you can access free of charge.

The chateau’s history dates all the way back to the 13th century. In that time a Gothic fort stood in the chateau’s place. The fortress was a lot simpler than the chateau you can see today. It was comprised of a two-story palace, a castle wall and a gate with a small drawbridge. Major improvements to the building were completed during the 16th century. That was when the castle was remade into a Renaissance chateau. This was accomplished by adding one more story to the main palace, making it the three-story building you can see today.

The chateau was transformed into its current configuration in the 17th century. It was when Pribik Jenisek z Ujezda, a lord who claimed Breznice after 1620, built a chapel which is connected to the east palace. He also built the Baroque-style arcades on the outer wall and in the courtyard.

There are several visitor routes to choose from. You can go to the first visitor’s tour, in which you will hear about the chateau’s history and the noble houses that inhabited it. You can also choose the second visitor’s tour on which you will see the chateau’s armory. It contains a wide variety of weapons and armor, with some dating back to the 14th century. 

For more information about the Central Bohemia Region, from which this chateau comes, click here and here.

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