Albrecht von Wallenstein

Written by Vaclava Seifrtova

Category: Notables


Albrecht von Wallenstein

Albrecht von Wallenstein was a feudalistic scoundrel. He had power, money, and his territory. He was known all over Europe thanks to his leadership and military success. Even though he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth he proved that with hard work and an open mind he can do anything. Unfortunately, his end was more like his beginning, not lucky.

Von Wallenstein was born at the end of the 17th century. His parents died early, and he went to his brother-in-law who sent him to study. He dropped the school because he fought and had multiple conflicts and he spent some time in prison. After this, he decided to go on a European tour to get the world now better. After coming back home to the Czech kingdom he served in the army of Rudolf II.

And now started the breakdown. The biggest decision which helped him to be famous was to become a Catholic. After this change, he got smartly married and gained territory in Moravia. In this time happened estate upraise and the emperor asked Moravia to help. People there insisted. However, Von Wallenstein hired an army from Holland and helped. He also betrayed the Moravian people and he had the sticker of a traitor till his death.

When the 30 years’ war started, he did great as a leader of a regiment in the imperial army. The emperor could rely on him in battles. After this success, he showed his true face again. He became a part of a group and they made depreciated coins. It caused the state to bankrupt, but he gained big possession from that business.

It wasn’t enough for him. He got married again after the death of his first wife and he secured his high position in society. This was happening still during the 30 years’ war. From the leader of a regiment, he was raised to a leader of the whole army, and he was called generalissimo. However, he did not always lead the battles fairly and to the detriment of his colleagues.

It was no surprise that everyone wanted Von Wallenstein’s death. Only one person trusted him and it was the emperor. The last straw was that Von Wallenstein should go to Bavaria, but because of his impoverishment, he stayed in Pilsen. The other noblemen understood it as another betrayal and said it to the emperor.

He finally decided that Von Wallenstein needs to be destroyed. It happened on 24th February 1633 in Cheb. It was an end of a person who was able to take care of himself, but he did a lot of mistakes that made for his death.