Here are other useful resources with free tools to help with research in Czech genealogy
When you come across a webpage written in Czech, you can use Chrome to translate the entire page. On your computer, open the Chrome browser. Go to a webpage written in the Czech language. At the top, click Translate. If you do not have Chrome installed, then you can download it from
Some of the Czech Regional Register Offices publish online archived records of birth, death, etc. in their local area. Click on each region below to view their archives. Use Google Translate, as most records are kept in Czech.
Use Free Search to find your immigrant ancestors arriving through the Port of New York at Ellis Island
For Elis Island Foundation website click here
Use Free service that allows you to search the Czech Phone Book (telefonní seznam) by name or by address.
In Phone Book you can find these Czech words – Hledat = Search, Co = What , Kde = Where, Jméno = Name , Adresa = Address.
Use correct spelling for Czech words.
For Czech phone Book website click here
To translate an entire text written in the Czech language using Google Translate, follow these steps:
Open any web browser installed on your computer and go to and enter the text you want translated on the right.