We created our first program more than twenty years ago, and every year since then, we’ve continued to make our regular weekly program.
Our headquarter is in Florida and our branches are located in Illinois, Texas and California. Our team members are located in many states Massachusetts, Georgia, Alabama, Texas, California, Wisconsin, Illinois, Florida, Ohio, Nebraska, New York, Michigan, Oregon and in the Czech Republic.
Our goal is to target viewers in all 50 states of the United States. We have also an audience in other parts of the world because we broadcast online unique programs in English.
Every week we update our website with the new program and you can see this updated version starting the following week at any time 24/7.
Czech-American TV, which has aired weekly shows for over 20 years, broadcasts also on cable TV in Illinois, Texas, Oregon and Florida. For more details see FAQ # 5.
You can also see our programs via Internet on our website anywhere in the United States, Czech Republic and abroad.
Chicago, IL :
Channel 21 CANTV
Thursdays 8:00 pm
Available on AT&T, Comcast, RCN, and WOW
Portland, OR :
Channel 23 TVCTV
Channel 21 TVCTV
In the following areas:
Banks, Beaverton, Cornelius, Durham, Forest Grove, Gaston, Hillsboro, King City, Lake Oswego, North Plains, Rivergrove, Tigard, Tualatin, Washington County, and West Linn.
All episodes are repeated on a weekly or biweekly basis. New episodes are introduced gradually, so stay tuned to TVCTV.
Houston, TX :
Available on HMS-TV Comcast Channel 17, AT&T U-Verse Ch 99, Sudden Link Ch 99, Phonoscope Ch 96
All episodes are repeated on a weekly or biweekly basis. New episodes are introduced gradually, so stay tuned to HMS-TV.
Curently our programs are also availaible in several cities in California, Florida and New Hamshire.
We do not broadcast only to the Czech community but to those that want to learn about rich Czech heritage and culture. We reach a larger audience by doing this and in return teach our viewers about a Central European region, Czech Republic which few people know. You will not find this unique information on any other TV channel in the United States. If you want to listen or read media in Czech language you can find some of them on our Links page in section Our News Media Partners.
If you missed the last broadcast or any other broadcasts from last six motnhs , go to Video Archive and and click on complete broadcasts. To play particular broadcast – click the date below our video player – or – to navigate – click “Older Broadcast”.
We do not sell any copy on DVD’s , USB Flash etc. All our published videos, audios, pictures and texts are copyrighted. Content cannot be copied, distributed, or republished without our written permission. If you would like to see a particular program again you can go to Video Archive and click on complete broadcasts. In case you want to publish this program on your website we can send a link to that site. Contact Us and we will send you the link direct to the program.
You can promote Czech-American TV with our poster or flyer – They are ready to download direct from our page Help Promote in Miscellaneous menu. You can print them and post them in your libraries, community centers, clubs. You may also let them publish in your local newspaper or club bulletin or you may send them in e-mail to your friends all over the world.
We do not producing any news programs. Our broadcast is for educational purposes only. We broadcast documentaries and cultural events. There are Exploring Czech regions series, cooking shows, Czech Class series , Czech Traditions and Czech music video clips etc. For news we recommned in Links page visit category Our News Media Partners Links.
Yes and the event must have something to do with Czech heritage and every filming project must have a new sponsor. Our program is not commercial and we operate on a low budget. Every new filming has many technical and travel expenses and we need our costs provided by the organization or individuals that invites us.
There are several ways how you can support our broadcast. Please go to our top menu – Help Us – for more Information or call 708 813 0028
Yes, we have several underwriting packages for business sponsorship. For more details contact direct our producer at 708 813 0028
We are looking for help in many areas. You do not have to speak Czech or have Czech roots. It is a great opportunity for students or retired people to practice their talents in many areas. Please visit our page Join Us in menu Support Now.
It happens once in a while when a site or app needs to be taken offline for updates, backups or maintenance. It tells you that our website is temporarily unavailable because our team of vulanteers or someone is doing some work.
Yes, You can find some helpful information on our website. Just visit Technical Help page in the About Us menu.
Yes, You can Like Us on Facebook and Follow Us on Twitter. Stay connected with us and you’ll get notification of our weekly video broadcast and all the wonderful changes that occur on our website. You can also post your comments and send messages to other Czech-American TV’s fans at Facebook or Twitter.