Potato Burian is a recipe from the Hlinecko area in the Pardubice Region, which has been passed down through many generations since the 18th century. Back then most people in the lower class worked on...
Goose Giblets with Paprika Sauce
The Czech Republic has a lot of holidays and traditions, but none of them is as typical for Czech culture as pig-killing. The name already conveys that it is a holiday revolving around meat, not just ...
East Bohemian Fried Apple Pastry
Today we will take look at another recipe from our series about Czech pastries, learning to cook East Bohemian fried apple pastry. First, however, let’s take a quick turn to the history of potat...
Pardubice Gingerbread Cookies
This recipe is from Pardubice Region. For more information about the Pardubice Region, from which this recipe comes, click here....
Pardubice Dumplings
This is a local Czech recipe from the Pardubice Region. When you visit East Bohemia, you can enjoy folk traditions, including ancient crafts, discover a number of castles and chateaus, old military fo...