This château started out as a castle. The Gothic seat of Zleby was first written about in 1289 and was probably founded by the Lords of Lichtenburg.
Its history features Emperor Charles IV, who bought it and then made it his liege property, for his squires and knights. The castle complex as we know it today is the result of late Gothic reconstruction from the mid-15th century – under the siege in 1427, the castle surrendered to the Hussites who then partially tore it down and burned it. Zleby was also one of the strongholds of the royal power of George Podiebrad (1420–1471) in Eastern Bohemia. Other major changes took place in the 16th century – and since then we can speak of a château, in the Renaissance style.
It is also worth noting the ancient Tyrolean house of Auersperg, which got hold of Zleby in 1754, and they owned the château up until the 20th century. During their stewardship, some romantic exterior modifications took place, e.g. the northern façade was rebuilt in Elizabethan Renaissance style, and an English landscaping park established. Changes were also made to the interiors – bringing collections of weapons, paintings, rare utensils and ornate furniture, giving a glimpse of how the nobility in the 19th century spent their days.
Zleby have three tours available. In the first one, called State rooms and salons, you can admire the Magic of a Romantic Castle, which means state rooms and salons of the east and the south wing of the Upper Castle, the armoury with a unique collection of arms and armour, the Romantic interiors, Renaissance arcade courtyard with galleries and the kitchen with its historic operational facilities. Private rooms is the second tour and it can show you life in castle, so you can see the historical interiors of the western and northern wing of the Upper Castle, private rooms of the family and guest apartments, the fate of the members of the princely family of Auersperg, a demonstration of period hygiene and everyday life at the noble estate, chapel of the Annunciation of the Virgin Mary. Last one, the Great Tower and Gothic Celars consists of the Great Tower with an observation gallery, Gothic Cellars and guest rooms in Great Tower.
For more information about the Central Bohemia Region where this place is located click here.
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