During the first years of the World War II (1935 – 1938) this unique fortification complex situated in the Moravian-Silesian Region was built and named after the two nearest villages; Hlucin and Darkovicky. The Czechoslovak fortification complex consists of infantry cabins MO-S 18, MO-S 19, MO-S 20 and LO 37 of various types and degrees of resistance.
The infantry cabin MO-S 18 Obora (the Field) was built in the 2nd degree of resistance with its roof 6.5 feet wide. There is a memorial desk devoted to Jaroslav Svarc who was one of the parachutists that were sent to commit the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia during the occupation.
MO-S 19 Alej (the Alley) is one of the best infantry museums in the Czech Republic and Europe. Its roof is 8.2 feet wide. This cabin has two bells of observation with small machine-guns and a cupola with large machine-guns. The left observation shows the reconstructions of the cabin and the development of its mount. The rest of the cabin was reconstructed to resemble the original appearance from the year 1938.
The cabin MO-S 20 Orel (the Eagle) was built in the 4th degree of resistance, which is the highest one. As the MO-S 19 Alej, it also has two bells of observation for small machine-guns. There is also an artillery bell of observation which was used to control firing. All the panzer elements were destroyed by the German army which then used the cabin as its main defence point in 1945. The Germans blasted a staircase leading to a 86 feet deep pit which was supposted to connet other underground complexes. Currently, the staircase is under reconstruction so the visitors can have better view of the whole area.
Since 1992 the complex has been part of the Silesian Museum. It is also part of the Techno Trasa (the Techno Path) which is an educational path focused only on technical attractions situated in the Moravian-Silesian Region.
For more information about the Moravian-Silesian Region where this place is located click here.
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