The Biopark Stit

The Biopark Stit is an animal-care centre for exotic and homeland animal species that are at the edge of extinction. Founded in 2014, it is located in the village of Stit (translates to Shield) which is not far from the town of Chlumec nad Cidlinou. The Biopark is home to many felines such as lions, tigers, pumas and leopards, primates such as lemurs, macaques and marmosets and many other exotic animal species. Even birds have their own enclosures here. You’ll be able to find a variety of parrots, ostriches, pigeons, and kingfishers. Last but not least there are reptiles, turtles, horses, sheep and many other kinds of wonderful animals just waiting for you to visit.

If you feel generous enough, you can support this non-profit animal-care centre by adopting any of the animals or you can “invite them for lunch” by paying a small amount of money for the food that they’re fed. Throughout the year, many events are held during which you can enjoy watching some of the animals feeding (in case you’re wondering a lion has for lunch). If you decide to adopt any of the animals, you receive a gift in form of a certificate with your name on it and the picture of the animal you have adopted.

Thanks to the support of people and the non-profit company Laguna, which has been cooperating with the animal-care centre for a few years now, you can enjoy and experience the life of wild animals. Every year, parrots have a convalescence camp in the park where they are healed of their ailments. There are also plans to extend the park to help more endangered animals and thanks to the support of the visitors, it is possible to continue making these plans a reality. If you like animals and want to support them, the Biopark Shield is a place you should visit in the Hradec Kralove region during your visit to the Czech Republic.

For more information about the Hradec Kralove Region where this place is located click here.