Slapy Dam

The Slapy Dam is a site of unique technical heritage, where you can enjoy yourself for hours and hours at the waterside, try out countless water sports and bask in the beautiful landscape along the Vltava river. It is located about 40 km south of Prague. The Slapy Dam is 60 meters high and 260 meters long – that makes it the fifth largest dam in the Czech Republic.

It is part of the Vltava Cascade, the water management system – retaining 1.4 billion m3 of water, and preparations for this unusual hydro-engineering project date back to World War II. Building work began in earnest in 1952, but was already finished by 1955, when the hydroelectric power plant part of the project entered its test phase. Filling up took place in unprecedented dramatic circumstances – the reservoir filled up literally within days, during the 1954 floods.

In 1961, another large reservoir, Orlik, was built above the Slapy reservoir, the Lipno reservoir was constructed in the upper part of the Vltava River, and several small reservoirs later on. The total catchment area of the Slapy reservoir has 12,968 km2.
The main mission of the dam includes generating electricity (an electric power station is located in the dam, working in peak hours – morning and evening), acting as a Prague’s buffer against floods, being a source of drinking and utility water; but it also ranks among the most popular recreational destinations for all who seek to get away from the hustle and bustle and take a break by the waterside, surrounded by nature.

There is a large number of camps, hotels and guesthouses. You can set out into the beautiful sorrounding countryside for hiking or cycle tours. You can also hire boats, pedalos, motorboats or yachts, try your luck at fishing (e.g. you can catch catfish or eels) or go on a cruise. Take to the water and navigate a 113 km-long stretch of the Vltava leading through the beautiful scenery of the middle Vltava basin.

For more information about the Central Bohemia Region where this place is located click here.

Slapy Dam