Starohorska Lentil Soup

Czech name: Starohorská čočková polévka

Written by Tereza Jonasova

The lentil is referred to as the “queen of legumes,” and you can even find it referenced in the Bible. Although its high protein content makes it an excellent meat substitute, we will not deny you of meat with this lentil soup. Fried lean bacon will undoubtedly make this menu item fit not only for a queen, but others as well.

For more information about the Moravian-Silesian Region, from which this recipe comes, click here.


1 1/4 cup lentils
1 1/4 cup diced bacon
small onion
1 1/4 cup diced vegetables mix (combine cooked onions, celery root, carrots, parsley root)
1 1/4  cup potatoes
vinegar to taste
granulated sugar
salt to taste


Take the lentils and rinse them, soak them in water, and then boil them. Put the diced lean bacon, the chopped onion, and the root vegetables into a casserole dish. Add in the chopped, peeled potatoes, salt, and partially-cooked lentils. Cook these ingredients slowly so that they all soften together. Finally, add a pinch of granulated sugar and vinegar.