Hnetynky Small Decorative Cakes

Czech name: Hnětýnky

Written by Sara Pintirova

This recipe comes from the South Bohemian Region. Following this easy-to-prepare recipe will result in a nice dessert. In just an hour and a half, including preparation and cooking time, you will have something sweet to eat – a pastry suitable for any number of toppings.

For more information about the South Bohemian Region, from which this recipe comes, click here


2  1/2 cups room-temperature unsalted butter
2  1/2 cups sugar
5 cups Wondra instant flour
1 cup whipping cream
2 egg yolks
egg for glaze
2  1/2 tsp active dry yeast
a pinch of salt


Dissolve the yeast and 1 tsp sugar in lukewarm cream. Add the butter, sugar, egg yolks, and flour to the cream mixture, stirring to incorporate. Preheat the oven to 350F. On a well-floured surface, roll the dough and cut it into palm-sized circles. Let the dough rise for a while, then brush it with beaten egg. Next, bake the dough circles until they are golden brown. The molded pastry is decorated with sugar glaze, candied fruit, or jam.