Vysocina Region – KRAJ VYSOČINA.
In this region you may discover the harmony of nature on the border between Bohemia and Moravia. Hilly terrain, lakes, high cliffs, dense forests, flower-filled meadows and three UNESCO-listed sites – this is the Vysočina Region, a rugged land, about which people have said that “here ends bread and begins stone” since time immemorial – OD NEPAMĚTI.
City of Jihlava – MĚSTO JIHLAVA – is the oldest silver mining town in the Czech Republic, approximately 50 years older than Kutná Hora. Among the principal buildings are the early Gothic churches of St. Jacob – GOTICKÝ KOSTEL SV. JAKUBA, Friars Minor church of Our Lady and Dominican church of Holy Cross, the Baroque church of St. Ignatius of Loyola – BAROKNÍ KOSTEL SV. IGNÁCE Z LOYOLY, the Municipal Hall – MĚSTSKÝ ÚŘAD and a number of municipal houses containing Gothic and Renaissance details. There is also a Jewish cemetery, containing some remarkable monuments including the tombstone – NÁHROBEK – of the parents of the famous musical composer Gustav Mahler.
City of Telc – MĚSTO TELČ – was founded in the 13th century as a royal water fort – VODNÍ PEVNOST – on the crossroads of busy merchant routes between Bohemia, Moravia and Austria. Besides the monumental 17th-century Renaissance chateau with an English-style park (a rebuilding of original Gothic castle), the most significant sight is the town square – NÁMĚSTÍ , a unique complex of long urban plaza with well-conserved Renaissance and Baroque houses with high gables –ŠTÍTY and arcades – OBLOUKY; in 1992 it has been declared the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The Pilgrimage Church of St John of Nepomuk at Green Hill – POUTNÍ KOSTEL SVATÉHO JANA NEPOMUCKÉHO NA ZELENÉ HOŘE is a religious building at the edge of Žďár nad Sázavou, near the historical border between Moravia and Bohemia. The church has been built at a place, where the future saint John of Nepomuk – JAN NEPOMUCKÝ – had received his early education. It is the final work of Jan Santini Aichel, a Bohemian architect who combined the Borrominiesque Baroque with references to Gothic elements in both construction and decoration. In 1994, it was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
City of TŘEBÍČ – is well known for its St. Procopius‘ Basilica – BAZILIKA SVATÉHO PROKOPA. The famous Basilica originated in the early 12th century as a Benedictine monastery – BENEDIKTINSKÝ KLÁŠTER. The Basilica, together with the Jewish Quarter –ŽIDOVSKÁ ČTVRŤ are listed as the UNESCO World heritate site.
City of HAVLÍČKŮV BROD – was a center of silver mining in the 13th and 14th century. KAREL HAVLÍČEK BOROVSKÝ – Czech writer, politician, publisher and journalist used to live and study here and thus the city has been named after him. His house serves as a museum today.
First mention of the city of PELHŘIMOV – comes from 13th century. This city used to be center of many crafts – ŘEMESLA, such as drapery – SOUKENICTVÍ, weaving – TKALCOVSTVÍ, beer-brewery – PIVOVARNICTVÍ.
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