Verbs – Irregular past tense

Category: Czech Lessons

1 IRREGULAR FORMS OF PAST TENSE Nepravidelný minulý čas
2 to begin začít
3 he began začal
4 to accept přijmout
5 he accepted přijal
6 to say říct
7 he said řekl
8 to help pomoct
9 he helped pomohl
10 to be able to moct
11 he was able to mohl
12 to have mít
13 he had on měl
14 she had/ they had neutral ona měla
15 it had ono mělo
16 they had oni měli
17 they had feminine ony měly
18 to open otevřít
19 he opened otevřel
20 to die umřít
21 he died umřel
22 to want chtít
23 he wanted chtěl
24 to close zavřít
25 he closed zavřel
26 to read číst
27 he read četl
28 to eat jíst
29 he ate jedl
30 to eat up sníst
31 heate up snědl
32 to lead vést
33 he lead vedl
34 to put on obléknout
35 he put on obléknul
36 to examine prohlédnout
37 he examined prohlédnul
38 to takeoff svléknout
39 he took off svlékl
40 to forget zapomenout
41 he forgot zapomněl
42 to remember vzpomenout
43 he remembered vzpomněl
44 Did you call me yesterday? Volal jsi mi včera?
45 I had a day off yesterday. Včera jsem měl volno.
46 I forgot to give it to him. Zapomněl jsem mu to dát.
47 Did you tell it to him? Řekl jsi mu to?
48 to carry Vézt
49 he took vzal
50 to take vzít