To be – Past tense and Negative form of past tense

Category: Czech Lessons

1 Past tense of verb to be and its negation Časování slovesa být v minulém čase a jeho zápor
2 I was byl jsem
3 You were byl jsi
4 He was on byl
5 We were byli jsme
6 You were byli jste
7 They were oni byli
8 Did you go to school today? Byl jsi dnes ve škole?
9 No, I was at home. Ne, já jsem byl doma.
10 They went shopping. Šli nakupovat.
11 We went swimming. Byli jsme si zaplavat.
12 Were you at the doctor? Byli jste u lékaře?
13 Teacher, have you been sick? Pane učiteli, byl jste nemocný?
14 I was byla jsem
15 You were byla jsi
16 She was byla
17 We were byly jsme
18 You were byly jste
19 They were ony byly
20 Ladies, were you at the museum? Dámy, byly jste v muzeu?
21 She was at home. Byla doma.
22 You were so kind to me. Byla jsi ke mně tak laskavá.
23 Were you sick? Byly jste nemocné?
24 We were too tired. Byly jsme příliš unavené.
25 It was bylo
26 They were byla
27 It was sunny. Bylo slunečno.
28 The chicks were tired. Kuřátka byla unavená.
29 The sea was very cold. Moře bylo studené.
30 Those buildings were new. Ta stavení byla nová.
31 It wasn't sunny. Nebylo slunečno.
32 She was not at home. Nebyla doma.
33 They were not tired. Nebyli unavení.
34 You were not kind to me. Nebyl jsi ke mně laskavý.