South Moravian Region

Category: Czech Lessons

South Moravian Region – JIHOMORAVSKÝ KRAJ. It lies in the southern part of Moravia.

Lednice-Valtice Complex – LEDNICKO-VALTICKÝ AREÁL also called the Garden of Europe – ZAHRADA EVROPY, is the largest composed landscape in the world. It is covering the area of 200 km2 between Lednice and Valtice.

There are not many places in the world which have received such care as the elegant area around the spectacular Lednice and Valtice chateaux / ZÁMEK LEDNICE A VALTICE. An absolutely unique park has been created here over the centuries, full of rare tree species, romantic little buildings, fishponds and beautiful little corners. The Lednice-Valtice Complex has been included in the UNESCO list.

Špilberk Castle – HRAD ŠPILBERK – was founded in the mid-13th century by Ottokar II of Bohemia as a royal castle for the defense of the kingdom – OBRANA KRÁLOVSTVÍ – as well as the town. Thanks to its strategic location, it later became an important fortress – PEVNOST – which has never been conquered. From the 17th century, the castle served also as a prison – VĚZENÍ. Since 1960 it has been the seat of the Moravian Museum. A construction curiosity is a 144 m deep well – STUDNA – in the second courtyard – NÁDVOŘÍ, reaching below the Svratka River bottom level.

Pernštejn Castle – HRAD PERNŠTEJN is one of the best preserved castles in Czech Republic. It was founded in the 13th century, rebuilt – PŘESTAVĚN – and extended – ROZŠÍŘEN – in the 15th and 16th centuries. It has kept its intact appearance in the Gothic – GOTICKÝ – and Renaissance form – RENESANČNÍ SLOH – as it was finished in the first half of the 16th century. The lords of Pernštejn – PÁNOVÉ Z PERNŠTEJNA – belonged to the richest families of the Czech kingdom. Pernštejn came to be known as the marble castle – MRAMOROVÝ HRAD – because of the marble-like stone used to frame the doors and windows.

The Baroque chateau Slavkov – BAROKNÍ ZÁMEK SLAVKOV – was built in the first half of the 18th century and is surrounded by impressive garden in a French style modeled on the Gardens of Versailles. The chateau interiors are richly decorated with stucco – ŠTUK – and frescoe decorations – FRESKOVÁ VÝZDOBA. Absolutely exceptional is the central oval historical hall – HISTORICKÝ SALÓN, where on December 6, 1805 the Armistice Treaty – DOHODA O PŘÍMĚŘÍ – between France and Austria was signed. Prior to the Battle of Austerlitz – BITVA U SLAVKOVA – the Slavkov chateau housed the allies – Austrian Emperor Franz I and Russian czar Alexander I; after the battle French Emperor Napoleon I chose the chateau as his base.

Peace monument – MOHYLA MÍRU is the first peace monument in Europe. It is connected to the Battle of Austerlitz and was built during the period of 1910 through 1912.

The monumental Baroque chateau Vranov nad Dyjí chateau – ZÁMEK VRANOV NAD DYJÍ lies on a high cliff above the river Thaya – ŘEKA DYJE. Built in the place of an older castle from which several towers have been preserved. The most valuable part of the chateau is the monumental Hall of Predecessors – SÁL PŘEDKŮ and the chateau church.

The Slavonic settlement in Mikulčice SLOVANSKÉ HRADIŠTĚ MIKULČICE – was one of the main centers of the Great Moravian Empire – VELKOMORAVSKÁ ŘÍŠE. The Slavic Fortified Settlement – SLOVANSKÉ HRADIŠTĚ – in Mikulčice was built in the 8th and 9th century. It consists of large acropolis – AKROPOLE, outer ward – VNĚJŠÍ VAL and underground – PODZEMÍ. It is a monument of great cultural and historical importance of Great Moravia with large valuable archaeological discoveries – ARCHEOLOGICKÉ NÁLEZY.

Moravian Karst – MORAVSKÝ KRAS – contains Stalactite and stalagmite caves – KRÁPNÍKOVÉ JESKYNĚ – hiding underground of one the most significant karst areas – KRASOVÁ OBLAST – in Central Europe. Besides the caves you may visit the Macocha Abyss – PROPAST MACOCHA. There are two small lakes at the bottom of the abyss, both fed by the Punkva River springing underground by the confluence – SOUTOK – of White Water – BÍLÁ VODA – and Sloupský Stream – SLOUPSKÝ POTOK.