Albrecht von Wallenstein was a feudalistic scoundrel. He had power, money, and his territory. He was known all over Europe thanks to his leadership and military success. Even though he was not born wi...
Premysl the Ploughman
The Premyslid dynasty was the longest-ruling line of princes and kings which ruled over the Bohemia land since the 9th century up until Wenceslaus III., with whom the bloodline ended. Forefathe...
John of Luxembourg
John of Luxembourg was a Bohemian king, ruling during the first half of the 14th century, whose prominence in Czech culture despite being grandly overshadowed by that of his son Charles IV makes him ...
George of Podebrady
The “king of two people” was the sixteenth king of Bohemia who is known primarily for ruling a divided nation. He earned his nickname by trying to maintain peace between his Hussite and Catholic subje...
Saint Wenceslaus
Saint Wenceslaus was a Duke of Bohemia living approximately between 907 and 935. He came from the Premyslid dynasty. After his death, he has proclaimed a saint and became a patron saint of the Czech l...
Charles IV.
Charles IV also known as Charles of Luxembourg was born 14th of May, 1316 as Wenceslaus, son of the Czech king, John of Luxembourg and Elizabeth of Bohemia. As an infant, he was already imprisoned in ...